the mom blogs

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What Now?

I am a mother to a 4 year old princess and have another on they way. (I mean really on it's way. Due in 3 weeks!) I have a wonderful husband who takes care of my pregnant belly as well as my Drama Queen of a daughter.

I have officially decided to take my maternity leave this week. I had too, I work retail. Retail and a pregnant belly, not a happy combination. Besides, work is driving me crazy!!

Help!! I'm going through a midlife crisis. I hate my job and need a desperate career change. Thus far, I've been content with my above average retail salary, but I just can't take it anymore! I hate the hours, hate the Corporate retail BS. I want out!
My plan was not to return to work after baby #2 came. (wishful thinking) Looking at finances and how much debt we owe, my plan is looking less attainable now. I have about three weeks to decide what I'm going to do with my life after Maddie's birth (baby #2).

I have a BBA in Marketing and need to put it to good use. I would love not to work, but don't think that is an option. Can't go back. Need to Change career paths.

What do I do? How do I start?? What now?????