Thursday, July 9, 2009

Here I am. Week two at home. I'm still enjoying it, but finding out the real truth on what it takes to run a house. Boy its hard work!!
I've been working since my daughter was six months old. And now that I am home on maternity leave, I feel like I am missing something. Even though I am enjoying staying at home with my daughter, I feel like there is something else I need to be doing, or worrying about. Does that seem odd? I hate my job, but yet I feel the need to do something outside of my house in order to earn a living (even though I am receiving my maternity pay). I hope this will all stop after baby comes (in two weeks).

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Life as a Stay at Home Mom

It's been a week without work and let me tell you, I love it!!
I love not having that throbbing lower back pain at the end of the day. The nonstop pressure (down there) building as the day (and baby in my belly) get lower and lower.
I love not having to worry about work quotas. Meeting our sales plan numbers each day, week and month. What I love even more, is spending the day with my daughter.
I actually get to make breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday, sit down with her and eat !! What a concept. She is such a blessing and I'm enjoying every minute of it. I am happy :-)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What Now?

I am a mother to a 4 year old princess and have another on they way. (I mean really on it's way. Due in 3 weeks!) I have a wonderful husband who takes care of my pregnant belly as well as my Drama Queen of a daughter.

I have officially decided to take my maternity leave this week. I had too, I work retail. Retail and a pregnant belly, not a happy combination. Besides, work is driving me crazy!!

Help!! I'm going through a midlife crisis. I hate my job and need a desperate career change. Thus far, I've been content with my above average retail salary, but I just can't take it anymore! I hate the hours, hate the Corporate retail BS. I want out!
My plan was not to return to work after baby #2 came. (wishful thinking) Looking at finances and how much debt we owe, my plan is looking less attainable now. I have about three weeks to decide what I'm going to do with my life after Maddie's birth (baby #2).

I have a BBA in Marketing and need to put it to good use. I would love not to work, but don't think that is an option. Can't go back. Need to Change career paths.

What do I do? How do I start?? What now?????